What we wouldn’t give to have our email marketing lead to actual results, right?!
We understand how disheartening it is when an email marketing campaign doesn’t quite reach its intended goal. So, we’re guiding you through how to craft emails that truly hit the spot with your customers.
In the last few blog posts, we ran through:
- Why your business needs email marketing
- How to write your first email in a campaign
- Providing your customer with a solution to their problem in your second email
Now, it’s time to share social proof.
Share a testimonial
If you’re like the average person, you won’t buy anything without checking reviews. First-hand experience is more valuable than anything a company claims about its products or services.
If you’re not using the power of social proof to your advantage, your email marketing campaign will not convert as well as it could otherwise.
So, in your third email in a sequence, deliver a testimonial.
- From whom? Someone who has positively experienced your product or service.
- How? Ask that person to describe their problem and subsequent success to your potential customers.
- Why? To show your customers that you know their problem and can solve it.
In the model campaign in this blog post series, we’re promoting our blog-writing services. In our second email, we presented our webinar on how to craft a clear message that increases audience engagement. Here’s what our third email would look like:
Hey there!
Are you unsure about whether to sign up for our “Get To The Point!” webinar? To help you decide, we’d like to share a previous attendee’s experience with you.
We received the following email from Sarah, a month after she attended last year’s webinar. Sarah runs a shop that sells eco-friendly products and had recently launched her e-commerce site. She was curious to see if revising her online copy could turn more site visitors into paying customers. After a couple of weeks of applying what she’d learnt in the webinar, Sarah was already witnessing a spike in product sales.
Dear WMA team,
I attended your “Get To The Point!” webinar thinking that, at the very least, I’d learn a little more about how to write better descriptions for the eco-friendly products I sell online. Little did I know that my entire perspective would evolve, leading to some really effective changes on my website. The result? Just a month after making these changes, I’ve already increased my business by 60%. I didn’t even realise how much I needed your advice. I can’t wait to attend more of your workshops – who knows what surprises will come out of the next one?!
Sarah Sharpe
Founder, Eco Done Right
Through the “Get To The Point” webinar, you’ll learn how to dig deep into your customers’ needs to craft a message that will boost your bottom line. If you’re unsure about whether the webinar is right for you, drop us an email and we’ll run through it together.
See you there!
The WMA Team
Your key takeaway
A customer testimonial might feel a little bit like boasting, but it’s actually not about you at all. It’s all about showing your potential customers the problem-solving experience they can expect when they seek you out.
Bonus tip: Sharing a screenshot of your social proof is even more effective than lifting its text.
Is your marketing content failing to convert potential customers into paying clients? Crafting clear messages that get results is what we do every day. Get in touch to learn more about what we can write for you.