Why does anyone run a business? Put simply, it is because they want to sell a product they believe in or to offer a great service. We are all passionate about what we do and the belief that we can make our customers’ lives better because of it.
But how do find those customers to begin with? Long gone are the days when reaching out to the public simply involved a few newspapers, magazines or billboards. Similarly, competition today doesn’t just extend to local opposition.
Thus, the world is your oyster when it comes to opportunity and, as a result, public relations is a seriously complicated business. The ever-changing landscape of social media and the transnational world that we live boils down to one key thing: if you want to make an impact, you need a PR company that knows what they are doing.
That said, the decision to take on a PR company isn’t one you should take easily – but it does help to be aware of the benefits. Here’s how a PR company like WriteMeAnything could help you.
1. Credibility
Your company’s reputation is its most valuable asset. But do people know about it? PR shares your stories by putting you in the lime light, and helps to would-be customers to see themselves through the eyes of your existing customers. Good public relations vs marketing might be the difference between a customer wanting to use your product or just scrolling past. Plus, marketing is much more expensive!
2. Reach
PR companies are designed to have good connections with a variety of top news and media outlets, as well as media influencers and people connectors. Thus, they can help you get coverage from your chosen target market. Also, when content is well written (which is what PR companies are tailored to create), then your message will likely be picked up by numerous news and media outlets simply because it is tailored for their readers – expanding your reach.
3. Objective Evaluation of the Company
Let’s face it, there is always room for improvement, and the most beneficial advice often comes from an unbiased source. PR firms are excellent at knowing what attracts an audience and what simply doesn’t. They can help you accentuate the positives and iron out the negatives. They know what is newsworthy about a company and how to plan events that will reach your target audience.
4. Constant & Consistent Activity
Sad as it may be, people nowadays spend more time on social media than they do holding a conversation. If you want people to keep up with your company and not scroll down to the next ‘best hair and beauty products’ or ‘top of the range homeware’, then you need to have constant and consistent activity on social media and in the press that keeps readers updated and interested, while showing that you are growing, changing and improving.
5. SEO Knowledge
All the best PR companies also have an extensive knowledge of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which could help you to rank better in Google searches. The better SEO-d your content is, the easier it will be for you to be found, and the more customers you will be able to connect with.
Thinking of hiring a PR company? We’d love to explain more about the benefits and guide you on what could work best for you. Contact us on info@writemeanything.com today.